Community Supervision Center

The Farmington Community Supervision Center (CSC) is part of the Missouri Department of Corrections and Missouri Probation and Parole District 12.  This CSC opened in 2006 as the second in Missouri following the CSC in St. Joseph which opened earlier that same year.  Another CSC opened in Hannibal in November 2007, with four additional CSC’s to open soon in Kennet, Fulton, Poplar Bluff and Kansas City. A CSC is a residential facility operated by Probation and Parole.  Its primary purpose is to offer an alternative to revocation or prison when someone on supervision is found to be in violation of their probation or parole conditions.  Most of the residents of the CSC were living in the community prior to entering the CSC, however, occasionally someone leaving prison on parole that has no suitable place to live will be admitted.  This is done only when the person has ties to the community and plans to reside in this area once they have a suitable home plan.  The CSC allows them an opportunity to seek employment, save some money and get their life together before going out on their own, and the intense supervision helps insure their success.  Residents are usually there for 60 to 90 days.  They are not “locked up” but are on a form of electronic monitoring and must scan in and out.  They can only leave for work, school, or for earned time away

While living at the CSC, residents are helped through various programs such as substance abuse and job preparation classes.  Their room and board are provided.  The Farmington CSC usually houses approximately 25-33 residents, with the capacity to house 40 men and 6 women.  This facility is a pilot project and is helping to establish policy for all Community Supervision Centers in Missouri.