Conquering Addiction:
Based on Steps at the Village
This thirteen-session addictions ministry program is based on the 12-step program and Steps at The Village curriculum. It is open to anyone at minimal charge. This is an intense, Christ-centered, biblically-based program.

The class is held on thirteen consecutive Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:45 p.m.  The next class will be held at The Bridge Community Church, 301 Lore Lane, Leadington, Missouri, from August 26 through November 18, 2014. 

About this class:
This is a repentance and reconciliation course and Biblical 12-step study that meets weekly for thirteen consecutive weeks. Participants will sit with a table group throughout, and the weekly class consists of:
· Daily homework that requires digging into the Word of God or Bible
·Small group discussion—this is led by a table leader, and the discussion focuses on questions that are given in the previous week’s homework
· A teaching on one of 13 topics (see “Class Content,” below for examples)
   · Fellowship

Class Content:
Conquering Addiction is based on “Steps at the Village,” a curriculum developed by The Village Church in Highland Village, Texas. It includes daily homework and weekly teachings on topics such as,
“Genesis - Creation and Fall”
“The Remedy”
“The Response of Faith - Repentance”
“The Result - Justification, Adoption and Sanctification"
“Anger and Abuse”

"Sex, Fear and Anxiety"

"Offering and Asking"

"Reconciling and Amending"

"Confronting and Forgiving"

"Pursuing and Persevering"

“The Joy of Making Much of His Name”

What is a Biblical 12-Step Study?
In addition to teaching about repentance and reconciliation, this class also takes the traditional 12-steps from Alcoholics Anonymous and does a thorough study of each step from a biblical perspective. Using Step 1 as an example, the traditional Step 1 states:

“We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable.”

In Conquering Addiction, the first 2 weeks are spent studying and understanding the Creation prior to the Fall, giving us insight into God’s ideal picture of our relationship with Him, and studying and understanding how sin entered the world, and what the results and consequences are of this sin. Step 1 is then redefined as follows:

“Man, in relationship to his Creator, has fallen from a place of dignity, humility and dependence to a state of depravity, pride and rebellion. This has led to unfathomable suffering.  Any attempts on our own to redeem ourselves are futile, only increasing the problem of independence and self-sufficiency. Any perceived success leads only to empty vanity.  Apart from Christ, we are powerless to overcome sin, and our attempts to control it only increase the chaos."

This teaches that we are powerless to conquer our sin or addictions on our own, and it goes on to introduce the Gospel, and dependence on Christ as the answer. The curriculum addresses how to deal with guilt and shame, abuse, sexual sin, resentments, fears and grief and has a strong component which teaches about repentance, forgiveness and making amends.

Is this class just for those with addictions?
No. Anyone who wants excellent discipleship teaching, anyone who wants to root out past sin from his or her life, or anyone who wants to become equipped to serve in this ministry is welcome.

Conquering Addiction is free, but we request $10 for materials. While participants are welcome to attend without registering, it would be helpful to know how many are planning to attend. Please register in advance:

Office Phone: (573) 518-1131
GAP E-Mail:
On-line, beginning July 1:
Childcare is NOT available.
If this prevents you from attending, please call our office at (573) 518-1131